It's probably about time to publish this..... names have not been changed...
The sacrament had been dispensed. The deacons took their seats.
New move-in Kyle Bunker took the podium to speak.
With ease and gentle confidence Kyle showed no signs of stress.
I settled back, half-listening to another youth address.
With wandering mind, I wasn't sure I'd heard what echoed next
When Kyle took a detour from his neatly written text.
He thought himself a Lamanite, a warrior with great will
Until he spied the Nephite soldiers storming down the hill.
The mighty Nephites, armed with swords, and shielded toe-to-head
Filled this unshorn Lamanite with thoughts of fear and dread.
So Kyle had set this brilliant scene. The Lamanites would scatter.
He used a certain phrase to say how he would void his bladder.
I wasn't sure I’d heard him right. I didn’t trust my ears,
But peeking up, my hearing was confirmed by chuckling peers.
Brent Snelgrove’s mouth was tightly clenched. I couldn’t see his teeth,
But judging from his tear-filled eyes a loud laugh lurked beneath.
Mark Pixton’s shoulders quivered as he tried hard not to laugh.
A wave of smirks and chuckles meant that others heard the gaffe.
I couldn’t see the bishop on his lofty front-row perch.
Bet he’d never heard that p-word in such context at the church.
Lowell Bunker is a quiet man. He fidgeted in place.
A look of utter horror flushed his usual tranquil face.
The Bunker children were surprised what sibling Kyle had said.
Older brother Gary thought, “Oh brother, you are dead”.
The word would be prohibited if there were such a list.
I glanced at Sister Bunker and it looked like she was perturbed.
When the meeting ended mother sprinted up the aisle
To have a teaching moment ‘lest that word come into style.
It is a lasting memory, not forgotten by the flock.
‘Twas the day that Kyle Bunker used that p-word in his talk.