Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Thoughts about reading during the morning commute

     A few years ago I ordered a copy of Harold Bloom's "Shakespeare:  The Invention of the Human" from Quality Paperback Books.  I thought that as a college-educated English-speaking person, I should be more familiar with the works of the greatest English writer.  I started reading the work earlier this year and got bogged down about halfway through and decided to take a short break.   I picked it up again this week and was reminded why I had put it down for a while.  That reality is the inspiration behind this original limerick:
                                          While reading today on the train
                                          Few thoughts would stay lodged in my brain.
                                          It seems there's no room
                                          For more Harold Bloom
                                          So I think I may have to abstain.
       Perhaps he felt the same way about writing as I do reading his words... 


Thursday, June 20, 2013

Home Storage 2011

Pickles from cucumbers

Tomatoes and salsa


Thanksgiving in the Heartland... Part 1

Okay.  It's been a long time since one of us sat down to create a new blog entry.  We made a bit of a long journey by car to visit our children over Thanksgiving.  Here are a few pictures of the trip. 
On Friday, Nov 23, we drove from Denver to Lincoln, Nebraska, arriving in time to view a performance of a play featuring the acting talents of Eva Terry.
On Saturday, we watched Spencer compete in a swim meet.  Grandpa managed to leave the camera behind and didn't get any photos of the event, but did capture some intense computer activity later.
On the following Monday evening, we made paper snowflakes for some reason that I don't seem to recall now. 

Ben took us on a tour of the engineering building on the campus of the UNL campus and demonstrated the use of some high-tech equipment that he uses for his research.  Emily displays an appropriate degree of amazement.
On Tuesday morning, we arose early and drove from Lincoln, Nebraska to Austin, Texas.  The next stop in the cross-country travel will be the subject of the next entry.