Family members from four of the five sons of Grandma and Grandpa Tolman were in attendance:
With Lowell responsible for this years reunion, all five of the children of Alvin & Phyllis were able to attend. Clair reduced the volume of his baked beans this year. Much follicle impairment, both intentional and natural is display in this photograph. Beware the glare!
The Dallas and Laura family were well repesented in this photo and the water fight.
Water guns were available for the small children and older hot people who wished to cool off. Some of the older, slower moving people got to be cooler more frequently than they may have wished...
Ryan and Penny Tolman helped new arrivals register and pick a rubber duck for the first ever Tolman Family Quack Up. First duck down the Portneuf River was to receive a prize. Due to heavy river traffic, the race was cancelled.
Lowell asked the questions. Phyllis gave the answers (with full audience participation) for the following family history quiz. The quiz is provided as a public service for those who weren't able to attend or who may wish to challenge any of the answers. Leave your challenges, questions or suggestions under comments.
Take the Tolman History Quiz:
1. Where was Grandpa Oz born?
2. Where was Grandma Emily born?
3. Where were they married?
4. How old were they?
5. Where did they live during the first two years of married life?
6. What is the name of their foster son?
7. What was the phone number at the Spring Creek Ranch?
8. Who was the hired man?
9. What is the name of the Shetland pony?
10a. How many Tolman first cousins?
10b. How many Veigel cousins?
11. Where did Ed go on his misson?
12. What were Alvin's favorite animals?
13. Which of the sons was a boxer?
14. Who was noted for his tricks & practical jokes?
15. Which aunt is afraid of mice?
16. Who spent the first few months of their marriage living in a tent?
17. Who got bucked off Old Sailor at the July 24th celebration?
18. Who played the clarinet in the school band?
19. Who made more money from the 200 chickens they raised than from milking 20 cows?
20. Who had an unusual horn on his automobile?
21. Who is responsible for the demise of the famous landmark near the Crow Creek ranch?
22. Who was in demand as a good hay stacker?
23. Who played varsity basketball?
24. What was the old red Ford pickup called?
25. Which brother married a girl in her mid-teens and raised her the way he wanted her?
26. Who was showing familyh members how to coast down Old Baldy and ran into a barbed wire fence tearing his Sunday pants?
27. Who is the oldest grandchild?
28. Who is the youngest grandchild?
29. How many direct descendants of this couple?
1. Oakley, Idaho
2. Osmond, Wyoming
3. Paris, Idaho
4. Oz 32, Emily 23
5. Sage Valley
6. Jay Gamble
7. 027 R2
8. Ez Jensen
9. Old Bonnie (although during uncooperative times she was called various names)
10a. 121
10b. 4
11. Northwestern States (Oregon and Washington)
12. Purebred Duroc pigs
13. Dallas
14. Farrell
15. Laura and Phyllis
16. Dallas & Laura
17. Ed
18. Alvin
19. Marriner
20. Farrell
21. Lowell & Ron
22. Ed
23. Dallas
24. Death Wagon (this, too, was called by other non-uplifting names at times)
25. Dallas (Laura - 15), Farrell (Marie - 16), Alvin (Phyllis - 16)
26. Marriner
27. Scott (1945)
28. Duane (1971)
29. 191 as of June 30, 2007 (so far as we know....)
Josh looks like he was grown in a dish from a cluster of cells scraped off the inside of Clair's cheek. That's uncanny.
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
Саша живет на одной улице сообща С Мариной и Сережей.В тот сутки я приехала,как обычно в гости к ним пировать,сразу после последнего звонка из школы миром с одноклассницей Мариночкой.Нас встретили Сережа и Саша.Мы гуляли долго.Ходили по лесу,мило беседовали.Саша говорил мне комплименты,и держал меня после руку...Тут начался властный дождь.И мы зашли в подьезд к нему.Там стояли вдобавок наши друзья.Они курили и играли на гитаре.Саша лично стеснительный непомерно и все век от меня уходил.И тогда я решила сама к нему подойти.Я подошла и в этом момент он меня прижал нежно к себе и поцеловал.Мы стояли медленно обнявшись.И в сей момент я чувствовала что я на 7 небе через счастья.Мне было так хорошо.Мурашки по коже от волнения и неукротимый звук в сердце.Прошел час и мне приходится было соответствовать домой.Он меня проводил.Когда мы шли но остановку,рассказывал о себе.Я узнала ,что он собирается работать в милиции.меня это обрадовало,т.к.мой папа собственноручно милиционер.Потом хотел начинать учиться на юриста,не сморя на то сколько у него уже теснить среднее образование.Слушая его,я совершенно больше была уверенна сколько он тот ,кто мне нужен.Мы подошли к остановке,я села в автобус...Он еще медленно мне махал рукой... [url=]Бендлина[/url] [url=]Клавдия[/url] [url=]Интересно было почитать, но немного суховато написано. Продолжение прочту :)[/url]
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